Continuing Education for Mental Health Providers in Nevada

If you are seeking continuing education for mental health providers in Nevada, we can help. Our primary offerings are based in attachment-theory and Emotionally Focused Therapy. We have helped hundreds of therapists learn Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples, Individuals and Families in Reno, NV.
EFT is for couples, individuals and families. Please contact our practice or visit, The Reno / Tahoe Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy and get on our update list for EFT training opportunity announcements.
Cornelius Sheehan, LCSW, a therapist in Reno and Certified EFT Supervisor can help you map out a path toward making the EFT method a part of your practice. With this in mind, there is no better way to really have a solid grasp of EFT and move your skills forward in a major way than pursuing certification. This process includes attending an Externship in EFT, completing Core Skills practical modules and getting direct clinical supervision. You can learn more about the EFT certification process here.
EFT Externship in Reno, NV, August 2024 (PAST)
Thank you to all of the therapists and helpers who made our 2024 Reno Externship in Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFCT) such a highly engaged and rich learning experience!
The Externship is developed by Dr. Sue Johnson, and is the core training toward certification in EFT for Couples.
Most important: this training will help you will take your couple therapy work to another level! You'll gain a clear grasp of how to assess and organize what couples are presenting. Also, how to apply proven interventions to move them toward de-escalation, greater connection and a higher overall sense of wellbeing together. The dates for this program are August 1, 2 and 3. This will be a very connected, experiential program. You'll leave the training with assessment and treatment skills you can put to work right away. I have the pleasure of welcoming and assisting Dr. Nancy Aikin, co-founder of the Sacramento-Davis Center for EFT for this training.
We provide marriage counseling, relationship therapy, family therapy, couples counseling, premarital counseling, singles and couples workshops, family counseling, teen counseling, parenting guidance, help with divorce, relationship advice, as well as help with dating, love and communication.