relationship counseling reno home photo of Tammy Sheehan, client care coordinator for therapy in reno, nv. Administrative Lead for EFT marriage couple counseling reno, nv.

Tammy Sheehan-Franchini

Care Coordinator and Administrative Lead

Welcome to our practice specializing in EFT marriage therapy, family therapy, and individual counseling in Reno! We understand that taking the first step towards therapy can be daunting, which is why we’ve designed our intake process to be as seamless and welcoming as possible. From the moment you reach out to our office, whether by phone or email, our priority is to create a warm, supportive, and confidential environment. We believe that the therapeutic journey truly begins with that initial connection.

I, or a member of our team of caring, non-judgmental and experienced EFT therapists in Reno, NV, will be your first point of contact. We’ll take the time to listen to your needs and concerns, and conduct a brief, non-clinical assessment to ensure that our practice is the right fit for you. We understand that the decision to seek help is a significant one, and we want you to feel confident and comfortable in your choice of therapist.

Once we’ve established a good fit, we’ll guide you through the process of scheduling your first appointment and completing any necessary paperwork. We strive to make the administrative aspects of therapy as smooth as possible, allowing you to focus on the most important part: your therapeutic journey. We believe that our practice in attachment-based EFT marriage, individual, family and couple counseling in Reno offers a powerful path to healing and growth, and we are committed to making that path accessible and supportive for you.

Helping You Start with Therapy in Reno

We don’t want the process to be any more complex than it needs to be. Our practice is “paperless.” What this means is that you’ll complete all of the necessary documentation via our HIPPA compliant online portal. Here are the steps to starting: 1) my team will email each client an invitation to the online portal as soon as we have done a brief preliminary intake. You may also have arranged for a brief consultation with one of our therapists. 2) complete the online forms within 36-hours to hold your appointment. 3) attend your appointment. 4) use the online scheduling feature in the portal to select future appointments. Our team will walk you through anything you find difficult.

Call us at 775-235-2205 to learn more about EFT couple counseling, individual or family therapy, EFT marriage therapy in Reno, and our practice in general. We’ll help get you scheduled for a brief no-cost consultation with one of our therapists.